Friday, 4 December 2015

Percentage of Water in the Human Body - (BIO-4)


As a foetus it is said that we are 99% water.

New Born

As a newly born child we are 90% water.


When we reach adulthood we average out to be about 70% water.

Old Age

At old age we average out to be about 50% water.


Considering these facts, we as human beings really have an intimate connection with water. It makes sense for us to say that we are mostly water and that water is akin to life.

Furthermore, even though water seems to be something so mundane, because it is clear, tasteless and odourless it must be something special. Because why was H2O - water chosen to be our major constituent and not some other substance. There has to be something special in that combination of two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom.


The information presented in this post comes from the book “The Hidden Messages in Water” by Dr. Masaru Emoto.

End (4).

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Dr. Masaru Emoto - (HUM-3)

Water Studies Reignited

It seems that behind, and now central to the current reigniting of water studies was the Japanese researcher and author Dr. Masaru Emoto.

Dr. Masaru Emoto is the author of several books on water that essentially deliver a very revolutionary message: stating that water is affected by our thoughts and feelings.

What is really astounding about Dr. Emoto’s research is that he has concrete scientific evidence to support this claim. You I’m sure would have heard of Dr. Emoto’s ice crystal photographs.


Dr. Masaru Emoto was born in Japan and graduated from the Yokohama Municipal University and the Open International University as a doctor of Alternative Medicine.

He has since then researched extensively the effects of human thoughts and emotions on water and has written and published several books on the subject. Some of his titles are “Messages from Water 1”, “Messages from Water 2”, “Love Thyself”, “The Hidden Messages in Water”, “The Secret Life of Water” just to name a few.

Very sadly Dr. Masaru Emoto passed away on the 17th of October 2014. However, he left behind a formidable legacy and a great inspiration for many future generations.


I think that Dr. Masaru Emoto’s studies has made humanity to understand that their psychology does have real tangible effects on their body, health and life. His studies has also made clear the very strong relationship between water and the human being and that within water there are still many mysteries yet to be discovered.

He has opened the minds of many to the mysteries that are yet to be discovered about water, the human being and the cosmos.

I will post often about the studies and findings of Dr. Masaru Emoto.

End (3).

Monday, 12 October 2015

Blog Post Codes (2)


Just to make the blog posts easier to organise I am going to introduce a code system, whereby each blog post will have a number and a code in its title.

The number represents the total number of posts that have been written at the moment when that post was published.

The three letter code indicates the category that the contents of the post best fit into.


Water is Alive – (ESO-9)

In the above example the post is the ninth post that has been written and its contents best fit into the esoteric category.


Here are the codes that I will be using:

  • BIO         Biological
  • CHM      Chemical
  • ENG       Engineering
  • ESO        Esoteric or spiritual
  • HUM      Human or cultural
  • NAT        Natural
  • REL        Religious
  • SCI          Scientific

End (2).

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Welcome to the Water Universal Blog! (1)

I hope in the coming few years to write as many posts as I can about Water. I plan to write about water from many different angles. From the chemical, biological, geographic, geological, human, cultural and esoteric perspectives.

Water is an extraordinarily important substance in life and this blog aims to bring this marvellous life giving and supporting substance to light!